Hmmmm. Who am I?

Crazy tall. A type-A grammar geek. The proud mother of two amazing souls who both can say the 50 states in alphabetical order in about 30 seconds flat (because I can, too). A woman with serious, deep-seated insecurities because I can't roll my tongue like a taco.

But not in that order.

Maybe, though, you're more interested in what I do professionally. And that's easy to summarize in two words: I write. I write about being crazy tall, tongue insecurities and all manner of topics. I write funny, I write serious — doesn't matter, as long as I'm writing.

So maybe I lied, because I just thought of four more words that describe me professionally: I rock at editing. Whether it's proofreading for grammar/spelling, checking for AP Style or editing for content, I'm your girl.

Why do I write/edit, you may ask:

•  Because I can (and don't you dare be the first to tell me I     can't. That would suck.)
•  Because I have a master's degree in journalism, and this     seems the thing to do.
•  Because my background as a managing editor for     magazines has taught me that few people can     communicate in writing effectively. I can. Therefore, I do.

What do I write, you may ask next ('re good at these questions!)... I am a published author with hundreds of clips and bylines. Recent work includes:

•  My blog (of course, ANYONE can blog, right? So I do,
    too. Check it out here.)
•  Forays into social media outlets. I DIG Facebook (friend
    me and I may accept. If I'm in a good mood.) I'm
    trying to dig Twitter
(follow me - @mikaleebyerman)
•  Essays (my personal story about online dating can be     found here.)
•  Feature stories
•  News stories
•  Humor articles
•  Press releases
•  Brochures
•  Songs for children creatively using their names (this one     came from my children, as I drafted a compelling
    version of "Dylan is his name-o" for my son and a song     using my daughters name to the inspiring music of the
    "Lollipop" song.)

That's me, in a nutshell. Now tell me what I can do for you. Contact me here.

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