Because EVERYTHING in life is better with a pink snowball and a stupid pointy polka-dotty hat...

I know. I suck.

It’s been a loooong time. And now, I’m totally teasing you.

Here’s the deal: A great bloggy buddy of mine, Catherine at Simply Solo, invited me to write a guest post over in her hood like a ba-jillion years ago. And I accepted — not knowing the world as I know it would be doing a complete 180 over its own equator at the exact same time (um, like, how ’bout that I’m about to join the ranks of the unemployed — voluntarily. Cuz I’m bat-shit crazy like that…).

Anyhow, my guest post published today — and I haven’t even written for my own blog in weeks! My apologies, because that’s not how I roll.

But Catherine is a brilliant writer, and funny, and she’s totally embracing her 2.0 version; thus, I think you’ll all enjoy her blog. (Plus, in the words of my 12-year-old son who came up behind me while I was scrolling through one of her posts today: “Wow, she’s hot, Mom!”)

Sooo…favor time: whaddya think about heading over and reading my guest post? Pretty please? I’m in need of some serious street cred in the bloghood, so if you could all venture over to Simply Solo by clicking here, I’d be much obliged. And please leave a comment, because that’s how you earn street cred in the bloghood.

Alternatively, I’ll have to start writing posts with words like “shiznit,” referring to Boyfriend Brett as my “boo” and asking questions like “what tha dilly, yo?”

I’m thinking I’d better just stick with begging you guys to read Catherine’s blog and leaving comments. Word? Word…

Anyhow, if you choose to follow me over there, you’ll see why I’m eating a snowball and rocking a pointy hat above. Plus, I’ll gladly return the favor and post something here soon — pinky swear! In fact, because I like teasing you all so much (and please click here if you need the back story before my next post):

  1. How exactly did Diet Coke respond to my last post — or did they at all?
  2. Am I now convinced The Universe indeed has giant fucking ears?
  3. Will I be blogging next week from the Spelling Estate?

Stay tuned.

Love ya mean it! πŸ˜‰

(And one more time, just to exercise due diligence: Click early and often, friends…)