by mikaleebyerman | Jun 10, 2023 | Writer Chick
Three years ago today, this post was published on a site for which I regularly contributed; however, that site is now defunct. But I never want to forget this time — and I think none of us should. The year was 2020, and it was the first graduation season impacted by...
by webdev | Apr 22, 2016 | Current (crazy) events
Hey. So here’s the deal: At some point, my goal is to once again post regularly here. Maybe. Probably. Likely. Soon. But later. A lot has happened in the last few months, which many of you know if you’re friends with me on Facebook. Of course it has, I...
by webdev | Apr 14, 2015 | Current (crazy) events
I’ve been seeing this list floating around Facebook recently. It features the names of 10 men, with the headline “The Top 10 Names of Men who Make the Best Husbands.” How nauseatingly adorable. Seriously. Even TIME Magazine wrote about it. And TIME once linked to my...
by webdev | Jan 7, 2015 | Current (crazy) events, My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce
When I was a senior in high school, the “new guy” in school was assigned the locker right next to mine. His last name, luckily enough: Butler. Mine: Byerman. So it was a match made in alphabetical-order heaven. He was dreamy. He was confident and suave. He was...
by webdev | Nov 14, 2013 | My bat-shit crazy divorce, Writer Chick
As you all probably know, I am divorced. (Remember that pesky brick? Yes indeed, I am epically, happily divorced.) And as you all also may know, I am a mom. (No comments from the peanut gallery about the surprise baby, please…so I’ll be 85 when she...