by webdev | Jan 4, 2011 | Current (crazy) events, I heart symbols, My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce
I spent much of my New Year’s Eve fixing broken penises. By hand. With Super Glue. I shit you not… Of course, there’s a story behind this story — would you expect anything less from me, the girl whose marriage ended with the brick? The girl with the...
by webdev | Dec 3, 2010 | I heart symbols, My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce, My custodial nightmare
You know, it occurs to me at this pivotal juncture of my life that the past few years have taught me a valuable lesson: Namely, there is a wrong way — and typically anywhere from one to a shitload of right ways — to approach many of life’s pesky little...
by webdev | Oct 26, 2010 | I heart symbols, My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce
(Alternate title: Look! I have the words “dominatrix” and “Old Boring Guy” in the same post!) While I fully recognize your vicarious affinity for the soap opera that is my current life, we’re going to interrupt “Days of my (Bat-Shit Crazy) Life” with a jaunt down...
by webdev | Oct 12, 2010 | My bat-shit crazy divorce
Seriously. Two bodies living in one was their excuse. So I’m wondering: When they pee — men’s room or ladies’ room? And perhaps the bigger, more relevant question: Boxers or thong? Must be confusing to be them. I mean, to...
by webdev | Oct 8, 2010 | My bat-shit crazy divorce
A funny thing happened to me on the way to my divorce… Yes, I realize that sounds like a bad punch line. But seriously, it is a bizarre experience when you realize it is, officially, over — that your divorce is inevitable. Your mind goes to...