by webdev | Mar 15, 2012 | I heart symbols
My daughter is a force of nature: whip smart, nurturing and kind, an old soul, beautiful to boot. And sassy. Head strong. Perhaps a little stubborn. But there are times when I shake my head in wonderment at the naïve words that issue forth from her silly yet seemingly...
by webdev | Dec 21, 2011 | Current (crazy) events, I heart symbols
(That is the original title of the song, after all. Trust me. Before it was cleaned up and made all PC, that is.) So as long as I’m on a holiday-themed rant… Not that my previous post was necessarily a rant. But it did highlight some of the less-than-savory...
by webdev | Dec 19, 2011 | Current (crazy) events, I heart symbols
It never ceases to amaze me, the ideas that get through marketing departments these days… And I should know: I used to work in an advertising agency. And the chain of approvals that even a podunk local practically invisible small inconsequential highly targeted...
by webdev | Dec 15, 2011 | Current (crazy) events, I heart symbols, My bat-shit crazy divorce
People who know me know I have a very special relationship. With my car. I fucking love my car. My car crush probably began because it was so implausible — how I could negotiate an amazing deal for a car this impossibly hot (well, for a family sedan…) ON MY OWN was...
by webdev | Dec 13, 2011 | Current (crazy) events
So I’m about to do something either really super fun – or really super stupid. And I need your help to make it the former. Here’s the deal: I’ve always emphasized that I am a prolific writer who blogs — not a prolific blogger who writes. And that’s mostly the case....