by webdev | Aug 8, 2015 | Current (crazy) events, My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce, Wine. 'Nuff said., Writer Chick
One year ago tonight was the last time. I don’t remember, but I’m sure I went to bed feeling happy, complete, in love, full of hope. I’m confident that he wrapped his arms wrap around me, and I breathed in, secure in his presence, as I had every day for the almost six...
by webdev | Aug 8, 2015 | My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce, Wine. 'Nuff said., Writer Chick
One year ago tonight was the last time. I don’t remember, but I’m sure I went to bed feeling happy, complete, in love, full of hope. I’m confident that he wrapped his arms wrap around me, and I breathed in, secure in his presence, as I had every day for the almost six...
by webdev | Aug 3, 2011 | I heart symbols, My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce
A.K.A. The Big-Time Confession, Part 2 In our last episode, we learned: Ricky Martin = gay. Kiefer Sutherland ≠ gay. Shania Twain is CRAZY (in love with her ex’s new wife’s ex). Mikalee Byerman is CRAZY (crap: no parenthetical content here. I just may be crazy.)...
by webdev | Jul 14, 2011 | My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce
Sooooo. How’s it going? What’s new in your worlds? How’s life? Kids and pets doing ok? Nothing really new to report here. Things are like totally super boring in my world. No news. So maybe I’ll just wrap this up quickly. Nothing to see here....
by webdev | Jun 23, 2011 | Current (crazy) events, My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce
Twitter is all atwitter yet again about the hot topic of divorce and the New York Times, only this time, it’s not the affront to the “Vows” section embodied by my second favorite dastardly duo, Carol Anne Riddell and John Partilla. Nope, this time it’s this article:...