by webdev | Apr 1, 2011 | My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce, Uncategorized
I don’t mean to alarm you: But there’s a good chance you don’t exist. Yes, I mean you. And you. Yip, you too… Before you go look in the mirror for evidence or pinch yourself to check for “proof pain,” please allow me to explain....
by webdev | Jan 13, 2011 | Current (crazy) events, I heart symbols, My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce
It has been a remarkable few weeks for this blog … and similarly, for me, this adorable little bouncing blog’s proud mommy. (Watch out: It drools. See above.) And while the beginning of the year saw me storing the tree, packing away the lights and stashing the New...
by webdev | Jan 4, 2011 | Current (crazy) events, I heart symbols, My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce
I spent much of my New Year’s Eve fixing broken penises. By hand. With Super Glue. I shit you not… Of course, there’s a story behind this story — would you expect anything less from me, the girl whose marriage ended with the brick? The girl with the...
by webdev | Dec 22, 2010 | Current (crazy) events
A little bit of a departure here from my personal story … to turn the spotlight onto a juicier, timelier, potentially awesome-r soap opera. This tale is half Westside Story (without the power ballads), half Legends of the Fall (without the sibling power...
by webdev | Oct 26, 2010 | I heart symbols, My (forced) reinvention, My bat-shit crazy divorce
(Alternate title: Look! I have the words “dominatrix” and “Old Boring Guy” in the same post!) While I fully recognize your vicarious affinity for the soap opera that is my current life, we’re going to interrupt “Days of my (Bat-Shit Crazy) Life” with a jaunt down...