
There are a metric ton of blog posts here (I know because I’ve weighed them),
but if you want the Cliff’s Notes version, check this out!

My (forced) reinventionMy bat-shit crazy divorceUncategorized
Silence is Golden. (If by “Golden,” you mean, “Crap.”)

Silence is Golden. (If by “Golden,” you mean, “Crap.”)

First and foremost: I am honored, touched and amazed at the outpouring of support I've received in the last few days ... both personally and through this blog. You all rock, and I can't tell you how thankful I am for you, my "alleged" literary followers. Or are you...

My bat-shit crazy divorceMy custodial nightmare
Parallel Parenting Part Pooh. Oops, I Mean, Part Two: Crossing the Line

Parallel Parenting Part Pooh. Oops, I Mean, Part Two: Crossing the Line

So let's recap, shall we? In Part 1 of Parallel Parenting, we learned the following: Coraline's "Other Mother" looks eerily like Marilyn Manson, and some have said Marilyn Manson looks eerily like the "Other Mother" of my children. Therefore, by the transitive...

I heart symbolsMy bat-shit crazy divorceMy custodial nightmare
Parallel Parenting Part 1: Button, Button…Who’s Got the Button (Eyes)?

Parallel Parenting Part 1: Button, Button…Who’s Got the Button (Eyes)?

Every other Monday when my kids return from a week with the ex, I follow the same routine as I wait for my children to step off the bus. I pace. I wait. I pace. I wait some more. Then I see them, squeal to myself, “Holy shitballs…here they come!” and sweep them up...

Wine. 'Nuff said.
Best. Holiday. EVER!

Best. Holiday. EVER!

It’s a snow day in my hometown of Reno, Nevada…which, given its location at the base of the majestic Sierra Nevada, you’d think wouldn’t be news of the shout-it-from-the-rooftops, alarming, STFU-schools-are-not-closed! variety. But since we're situated in the...

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